Jim Rohn (Special Post)

This blog post is special to me I am going to share my personal notes in this post because Jim Rohn was the first teacher that I found online. I never knew of this world of development and never knew how it could be accessed to easily. This work changed my life and I will share some of my notes. I found a video online of Jim Rohn titled the "Best Life Ever." I lived alone and was afraid I would not have anything to do but once I found this video that was changed. The video is four hours long of him giving a seminar in the late 1980s. I told myself I would come home each night and listen and take notes to this video every day until I finished the video. I would listen pause the video write some notes and repeat it for as long as I wanted each night. This process took me 31 days. Although at the end of the thirty days I compiled 52 pages of notes on this four-hour video and the notes changed my life. In this blog post, I will share some of the notes with you and post the link to the video if you choose to watch it yourself.

Make sure what you do is the product of your own conclusion
5 Major Fundamentals Include:
1. Philosophy- the major determining factor of how your life turns out, do not blame your circumstance blame your philosophy. Use your mind to think, ponder and create ideas. Failure is a few errors in judgment repeated every day. Success is a few simple disciplines practiced every day.
2. Attitude- affects how we feel, how we feel about the past use it as a school not a club learn from the past. How you feel about the future. Set your goals, without a future well designed we take hesitant steps. 
3. Activity- "If you plant the seed I will grow the tree"- God. If your willing to take philosophy and attitude and invest it inactivity you can have a miracle.
4. Results- Every once in a while you have to take a measure, let results teach you about your own activity, attitude, and philosophy.
5. Lifestyle- Learning how to live well. Results are so we can fashion the Good life. If you wish to be wealthy study wealth if you wish to be happy to study happiness. Happiness is something you design, do not be lazy in learning.

These were just some notes I took I hope you enjoy this as much as I did! 
