Joe Dispenza

In sports, just like in life I believe the battle is won in the mind that is why I write this blog to help college athletes utilize their mindset in order to outreach their potential. There are many different approaches to training the mind but one way people have done this is through hard scientific knowledge and that is what Joe Dispenza has done. He uses quantum physics to dive deep into the brain to change the hardwire inside the brain in order to help people overcome their obstacles. He explains how the heart and mind are all interconnected. He says, "When a person truly starts to open their heart, and they truly start feeling whole, there is a downregulation of the genes that create disease and there is a signal genetically to the cells for restoration, wholeness, balance, and order." Our lives as college athletes move so fast and sometimes it can feel like we can never catch up, we play games go to class practice weights study hall and do it all over again sometimes forgetting to eat. By living like this we can sometimes torture our mind heart and soul.

Dr. Joe Dispenza teaches us how to slow life down and live at what he calls real-time. He writes, "The body releases thousands of different chemicals for it to be restored. Now the person is disinvesting their energy out of their known familiar past, and they are investing in a new possible future. When they execute this properly and they start opening their heart, there are particular efferent fibers that reset the baseline for trauma in the survival center of the brain. The heart starts sending information to the vagus nerve that it is safe again." Now, this may seem complex but if you dive into Dr. Joe's work can seem complex although if you just dive headfirst into it the work can truly change your life.
